The below material consists of technical as well as popular-press articles to supplements the lessons.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Software Analysis
Part 1: Technical Papers
What is soundness (in static analysis)? by Michael Hicks.
Relates soundness/completeness in program analysis to precision/recall and discusses "soundiness".
What is static program analysis? [talk] by Matthew Might.
Explains why program analysis is undecidable and develops a static analysis to play with in Racket.
Part 2: Casual Reading
From Start-ups to Scale-ups: Opportunities and Open Problems for Static and Dynamic Program Analysis, 2018.
Describes experiences developing and deploying program analysis tools at Facebook.
Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google, 2018.
Describes experiences developing and deploying program analysis tools at Google.
What Developers Want and Need from Program Analysis: An Empirical Study, 2016.
One of the best empirical studies about program analysis.
A Few Billion Lines of Code Later: Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs, 2010.
Describes experiences applying a commercial static analysis tool by Coverity to large C/C++ programs.
Righting Software, 2004.
Describes two generations of static analysis tools developed by Microsoft Research.
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
The Worst Computer Bugs in History: The Ariane 5 Disaster.
Describes famous software bugs including the Ariane Rocket Disaster from the lesson.
The Coming Software Apocalypse.
Overview of the state of software reliability problems and solutions to overcome them.
Lesson 2: Introduction to Software Testing
Part 1: Technical Papers
Hints on Test Data Selection: Help for the Practicing Programmer.
Original paper that introduced the idea of mutation testing.
Part 2: Casual Reading
Pex and Moles.
Unit test generation tools in Visual Studio for .NET programs.
A Theory of Predicate-Complete Test Coverage and Generation [slides].
Introduces a new code coverage metric based on predicates.
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 3: Random Testing
Part 1: Technical Papers
A Randomized Scheduler with Probabilistic Guarantees of Finding Bugs, ASPLOS 2010.
Describes fuzz testing in Microsoft's Cuzz tool to find concurrency bugs.
QuickCheck: A Lightweight Tool for Random Testing of Haskell Programs, ICFP 2000.
Describes fuzz testing in the QuickCheck tool to test properties of Haskell programs.
Evaluating Fuzz Testing, CCS 2018.
Describes flaws in past evaluations of fuzz testing and gives guidelines going forward. Blog post summary.
Part 2: Casual Reading
A Report on Random Testing, ICSE 1981.
Original paper that introduced the idea of random testing.
Webpage describing fuzz testing case studies (1988-2008) by Bart Miller of Univ. of Wisconsin.
[study 1][study 2]
Blog post by Google's Project Zero team.
Fuzz testing popular web browsers' DOM engines.
Syzkaller [talk] by the OpenBSD team.
Talk describes the work of the OpenBSD team on using the syzkaller fuzzer to fuzz their kernel.
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Monkey for Android apps.
Tool by Google
TODO: Many more (AFL, BFF, etc.).
Lesson 4: Automated Test Generation
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 5: Dataflow Analysis
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 6: Pointer Analysis
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 7: Constraint-Based Analysis
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 8: Type Systems
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 9: Statistical Debugging
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 10: Delta Debugging
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Lesson 11: Dynamic Symbolic Execution
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Model Checking
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Differential Testing
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks
Abstract Implementation
Part 1: Technical Papers
Part 2: Casual Reading
Part 3: Tools and Frameworks